Academic Articles

Selected Publications in Academic Journals

"High altitude mountain economics: Measuring the effects of extreme conditions on consumer behavior." Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business. 2015.

"Geographical and cultural insights into the Episcopal Church and the crisis in the Anglican Communion." Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies. 2015.

"Decline in Church Giving in the United States during the Recession: A Spatial Application of Church Waves." Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business. 2015.

"Excessive Affluence and the Economic Crisis." Review of Religion, Economics, and Culture. 2013.

"A Subconscious Game with Economic Consequences: An Economic Analysis based on Psychological Transactional Analysis and a Classic Game of Eric Berne." Review of Religion, Economics, and Culture. 2013.

"The Choice Wave: An Alternative Description of Consumer Behavior." Research in Business and Economics Journal. 2012.
"Can Educators be Motivated by Management by Objective Systems in Academia?" Journal of Academic Ethics. 2011.

"Insights into the Theology and Economics of Globalization: Observations from an American Living in Korea." Review of Religion, Economics, and Culture. 2011.

Johnson, Rutherford; Wuyang, Hu, Angelos Pagoulatos, and David Debertin. “Response to General Health Information in the Food Industry: A Panel Case Study in the Domestic Cracker Market” Journal of Food Products Marketing. 2011.

Hawtrey, Kim; and Rutherford Johnson. "On Moral Atrophy and the Global Financial Crisis." Journal of Religion and Business Ethics. 2010.

Fleming, Ronald A., Rutherford Johnson, and Angelos Pagoulatos. "WTA for Consumptive and Non-consumptive Use Access to Private Lands when Affirmative Responses are Poisson Events." Proceedings of the W-1133 Regional Project. Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2005

Selected Academic Journal Publications 
with significant material contribution

Blackwell, Melanie; Angelos Pagoulatos, Wuyang Hu, and Katharine Auchter. "Recreational Demand for Equestrian Trail-Riding." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 2009.

Liu, Zheng; Angelos Pagoulatos, Wuyang Hu, and Ronald A. Fleming. "The Supply of Private Acreage for Public Recreational Use in Southern and Central Appalachia." Growth and Change. 2010.

Selected Academic Presentations and Seminars

"A Spatial Economic Analysis of Potential Contributing Factors to Recent Declines in Church Giving in the United States." Annual Conference of the Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers. Athens, Georgia. November 2014.

"Executive Talk on Advancing Charitable Giving and Service." Executive Conference on Charitable Giving. Raleigh. November 2014.
"A Theological and Mathematical Model of the Loss of Religious Values Following "Excessive Affluence" and Its Potential Contribution to an Economic Crisis." American Economics Association annual meeting. January 2010.

"The Loss of Religious Values Following "Excessive Affluence" and Its Potential Contribution to an Economic Crisis." China Taiwan Trans-Sea Economics and Finance Conference. May 2009.

Wuyang Hu, Rutherford Johnson, Angelos Pagoulatos, and David Debertin "Response to General Health Information in the Food Industry: A Panel Case Study in the Domestic Cracker Market." Food Distribution Research Society Conference. 2008; Kentucky Economics Association Conference. 2007.

Rutherford Johnson. "An Assessment of Probabilistic Demand for the Private Label Cracker Market." Faculty Seminar. California Polytechnics State University. May 2007.

Rutherford Johnson, Steven Vickner, Angelos Pagoulatos, David Debertin. "Probabilistic Consumer Health Choice: A Case Study in Trans Fatty Acids." Kentucky Economic Association, October 2006.

Rutherford Johnson, Steven Vickner, Angelos Pagoulatos, David Debertin. "Health Media Coverage and Consumer Choice: A Panel Data Econometric Analysis of the Domestic Cracker Market." Selected paper at the AAEA National Meeting, Long Beach, California, 2006

Fleming, Ronald, Angelos Pagoulatos, and Rutherford Johnson. "Estimating the Willingness to Accept by Private Land Owners for Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Uses." W-1133 Regional Project Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, February 2006; Kentucky Economic Association, Lexington, Kentucky, October 2005.